China International Import Expo
Cash Bonus | Networking | VIP Chat Access
November, 6-10th
Starting time ~9:00 Beijing Time
National Exhibition and Convention Center
More about expo:
HUGE CHINESE MARKET WITH RAPID GROWTH OF CONSUMPTION AND IMPORT With the world's largest population, China is the second largest economy, as well as the second largest importer and consumer in the world. Now China has entered a new development stage at which consumption keeps increasing, indicating enormous potential for the growth of consumption and import. In the next five years, China is expecting to import products and services valuing more than 10 trillion U.S. dollars, which provides a historic opportunity for enterprises across the world to enter the huge Chinese market.

IDEAL LOCATION, THE TRADE CENTER OF CHINA Located in the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Shanghai enjoys favorable location advantage, great economic strength, well-developed service industries and the ability to allocate global resources. The container throughput of Shanghai Port has been ranking the first place for seven consecutive years. The passenger throughput of airport exceeds 100 million, with route network covering 282 cities around the world.

LARGE-SCALE EXHIBITIONS WITH DIVERSIFIED AND TARGETED SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES Enterprises from over 100 countries and regions are expected to participate in the first CIIE. Supporting activities such as supply-demand matchmaking meetings, seminars and product releases will be held during the Expo.

MULTIPLE MEASURES GUARANTEEING ALL-ROUND AND QUALITY SERVICES The CIIE will facilitate participation in terms of customs clearance, inspection and quarantine, provide long-term one-stop transaction services online and offline, and strengthen protection of intellectual property rights to safeguard the rights and interests of merchants.

STRONG PURCHASE DEMAND WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF PROFESSIONAL PURCHASERS The CIIE will invite Chinese enterprises from across the country to come to do business. Merchants from other countries will also be invited to the Expo. It's estimated that 150,000 domestic and foreign professional purchasers will participate in the Expo.

Age 20+
Must be in Shanghai or near
Participants from any countries, any visa
How It Works
You fill in the registration form on this page.
Getting into VIP group
After registration we put you in wechat group where you will get further details and updates
Visiting Day
On visiting day we gather near expo center. We give you entry badge to enter expo center. You scan your badge and attend expo freely.
Getting Bonus
For joining expo we will give you cash bonus within 1-2 days after getting feedback from expo organiser.
Join Our Community
After successful participation you will get an access to our business community and exclusive business events offers with TOP Chinese suppliers and cash bonus.

Please fill in the form below in English
Пожалуйста, заполните форму на английском
Last name/Фамилия
First Name/Имя
Valid E-mail (,,, emails are NOT accepted). Pls provide valid @gmail, @yahoo or other email.
WeChat ID or Wechat phone number
WhatsApp number
Chinese phone number if have / Номер телефона в Китае, если есть
Home country mobile/Мобильный тел в Вашей стране
City you stay now / В каком городе Вы находитесь?
Instagram account, as an extra contact if cant reach you (if have)
Инстаграм аккаунт, как доп. способ связи (если есть)
Company name (non-mandatory field)
Название компании (необязательное поле)
Company website (non-mandatory field)
вебсайт компании (необязательное поле)
Name of the person who referred this event to you (non-mandatory field)
имя человека, рекомендовавшего вам данное мероприятие (необязательное поле)
Passport 1st page photo/фото первой стр. паспорта
Selfi photo with solid background for entry badge
селфи фото на однородном фоне для пропуска
Why join Expo with us?
High-quality Verified Suppliers Pool
1-to-1 Professional Service
Cash Rewards and Bonus Programs
Quick & Precise Matchmaking
New friends/business partners
During our events you can meet new people from all over the world sharing the same experience.
No need to spend time on self registration. We will guide you.
Why should I upload my passport?
Some expo organizers require passport foto to confirm the target participant country and age.
Why do you pay me cash bonus?
Local authorities of different regions in China want to promote their producers and encrease the export. That's why they organize online fairs and provide budget for attracting foreign buyers. We share this budget with you.
    Are there any hidden charges or extra expenses?
    Nope. You don't have to pay for anything. Joining expo with ProExpo services is absolutely FREE.
      Do I have to buy anything at the fair?
      Nope, you don't have to buy anything. But you can request free samples from Chinese suppliers.
        What is cash subsidy/bonus?
        The amount of money that we pay you within 1 day after organiser confirm your participation. We transfer the cash subsidy to your wechat, Alipay, any Chinese bank card, Sberbank, Tinkoff, Alfabank.
        How was it before?
        We have already arranged more than 900 free business trips in China. Don't miss your chance to join the limited offer event and bring your friend;)